Vanguard Market Projections

Of course, nobody knows what the future holds in the stock and bond markets. Warren Buffett has said for years that in the next decade the stock market will only return mid-single digits (including dividends). Maybe he’s too bullish (at least according to Vanguard).

In this Blog Post, I’m featuring market predictions from Vanguard for the next 10 years – just published in their April 2021 Advisor newsletter.

I’m sure many of you will be surprised to see their predictions!

Look what they are projecting for US large-cap stocks as far as average annual returns for the next decade (better for large value than large growth). Vanguard’s projected growth for the next decade is about 1/3 that of the last 10 years!

The Medium Volatility indicates the range of potential returns on either side of the projected returns. So US large-cap could deviate 16.9% up or down from the range of 3-5% returns (-13.9% to +21.9%) in any single year.

And LOOK at the projections for bonds!! Can your retirement portfolio survive and thrive with .8% to 2.9% bond returns?

Just another reason why all investors need to learn about bond alternatives. Contact me to learn how you can balance the risk in a stock portfolio with bond alternatives that should earn 3%-7% or more without market risk! No interest rate or credit risk either. And past gains can never be lost.

all the best… Mark


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