Government Clarifies PPP Loan Forgiveness for the Self-Employed We now have both the new clarity and an easy road to Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness for the self-employed with no employees. New Easy Road to 100 Percent Forgiveness Say thanks to the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020. This new law creates a 24-week period for you to spend your PPP loan proceeds. If you obtained your loan proceeds before June 5, you can elect to use the … Continue reading
The 60/40 Portfolio Is Dead!
On Nov 19, 2019, Bank of America declared ‘the end of the 60-40 standard portfolio” (60% stocks and 40% fixed income/bonds). In a research note published by Bank of America Securities titled “The End of 60/40 portfolio” strategists Derek Harris and Jared Woodard argue that “there are good reasons to reconsider the role of bonds in your portfolio”. On July 2nd, JP Morgan joined the list of Wall Street banks calling for the demise of 60/40 portfolio despite its success … Continue reading
The “Poor Man’s Hedge Fund”
In fact, this can be anyone’s Hedge Fund alternative since it has few financial qualifications and a $10,000 minimum investment ($25K in TEXAS). The maximum investment is $1 million. Truth be told… it’s not a hedge fund at all. It’s a special type of annuity. Issued by a few highly-rated insurance companies. But hedge funds are “sexier” and annuities are boring – but not these! In this, what I call a “fixed income (bond) hedge fund alternative”, your worst return … Continue reading
What’s Next?
The following is an excerpt from Ben Carlson’s, CFA blog post on June 4, 2020. I really enjoy his writing and historical perspectives and wanted to pass it along to my readers. “Once you start digging into the historical numbers you begin to realize the stock market is even crazier than advertised. Surprisingly, huge up and down moves happening in the same year is not that out of the ordinary. The Great Depression crash which began at the tail end … Continue reading
May 2020 Tax Newsletter
Self-Employed with No Employees? Get Your COVID-19 Cash Now Get ready for this: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Here’s the deal: “I’m going to give you $20,833 today. I want you to give me $5,448 no later than two years from now. You can keep the $15,385 difference, tax-free—no strings.” It’s true. The lucky recipient could be you. To obtain the full $15,385 tax-free cash result in this deal (one of many COVID-19-related assistance programs), you … Continue reading