WARNING: Here is a transcript of the automated voice mail message left on a professional colleague’s (CPA) home phone last month by someone trying to commit an I.R.S. (fake) fraud on him: He received this voice mail message. “I need you or your retained attorney to return this call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. I’m officer Hannah Gray from the Internal Revenue Service and the hot line to my position is 415-251-XXXX. I repeat, it’s 415-251-XXXX. Don’t … Continue reading
Beware of I.R.S. phone and email scams!
Now… is a tough time to retire!
With the stock market at all-time highs and bond interest rates at near historical low levels, it can be a very difficult time to safely navigate a new retirement. Where should your assets be.. or be moved to? How should you take distributions and from what assets? But this post isn’t so much about those strategies as it is about the concept of “Sequence of Returns”. Since we are at historical stock market highs (but that doesn’t mean we can’t … Continue reading
Math Does Not Equal Money (Video)
Hello Friend, Today I recorded a 4 minute webinar explaining a little-understood concept: Math Does Not Equal Money. Said another way, “actual returns” are not the same as “average returns”. It explains part of the reason why avoiding losses is so important. And that is never more true than when one is taking retirement income withdrawals to fund the retirement you’ve waited so long for. I’ll be doing more of these short 3-15 minute webinars… IF enough of you like them — so … Continue reading
Forbes article – 23 indications of a market bubble
I just wanted to pass along this article from Forbes showing 23 different charts indicating he stock market may be heading for a fall. (CLICK HERE to read it) Since the market lows of March 2009, the S&P 500 has nearly tripled. Although the market can continue to climb another 10-15%, at some point it will have to take a breather or perhaps suffer a big pullback. No market climbs forever. Although the article may be calling for you to panic, I think caution is the more prudent course. I’m not … Continue reading
Win, Lose… or Tie?
“Win, Lose, or Tie” is a great conversation about ones perspective on retirement planning. When it comes to how you look at your money in the race to retirement, would you like your “current” lifestyle to win, your “future” lifestyle (retirement) to win, or would you like a tie”? Losing either isn’t an appealing option, but many folks have a plan to “lose” — if only because they have no plan at all. Anyway… It may take you a little … Continue reading