After you watch my video, please take a moment to read the background of its making right below. I just spent the past 3 days traveling to and attending an investment conference in Denver focused on “Alternative Investments”. There were some 300+ participants who ranged from wirehouse stockbrokers, independent Registered Investment Advisors, portfolio managers, hedge fund and private placement managers, etc. Alternative investments have a very broad definition, but most agree that they are “intended to protect capital in most … Continue reading
First half of 2015 – Market Review
In this week’s post I thought you might like to see a chart that I put together showing a number of market indexes and how they have done so far in 2015 (YTD) that I made on Yahoo Finance. You can see the chart below. Many people, who have heard on the news ( more than once this year) that the stock market (NASDAQ, Russell 2000 and the S&P 500) made a new all-time high, are going to be surprised to see that the … Continue reading
What’s the biggest Retirement Risk?
Watch my 75 second video and find out, if what you thought… was right? CLICK HERE to view! all the best… Mark
The power of compound interest
I know most of my readers are over age 50, so this message is more for you to pass along to your adult children or perhaps to your grandchildren. This is especially so for those of us who have had family members just graduate from college and are beginning a very important next stage in their adult life. The message in a nutshell is: Begin to SAVE EARLY! They say that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world … Continue reading
5 not-so uncommon reasons for retirement failure
We all know about the big retirement risks: longevity, inflation, investment losses, and higher taxes (rates and/or the lowering of the tax brackets). By retirement failure, I mean that what would have been a prosperous and predictable retirement… becomes much less so to say the least. Many folks think that we are really richer than hey are — if only because we cannot know the future. But here are 5 other not-so uncommon reasons why clients “fail” in retirement. You could also consider them causes of … Continue reading