How much risk do you need to take to get the investment returns that you want? To find out my answer, watch my 60 second video by CLICKING PLAY below: *** By the way, a client texted me this morning to let me know that I’ve been quoted (and my book mentioned) in today’s edition of the USA Today. Check it out in the money section (pg 3B in the November 4, 2015 issue). all the best… Mark
Let’s Play the Income Game!
Watch the video below and play the Income Game! If you have a pen and paper to jot down 5 quick numbers that would be great. But if not, just try and remember your 5 numbers. Let’s play…
Year to Date Market Recap
Below you will see a year-to-date chart of some of the major market indexes for 2015. As you can see, in most of the asset classes there has been a pretty high amount of volatility – especially since June or so. Here are the asset classes shown: Blue – SPY – the S&P 500 Red – AGG – the Barclay’s Aggregate Bond Index Aqua – EEM – the Emerging Market Index (stocks – India, Brazil, Russia, … Continue reading
Medicare Open Enrollment
The annual Medicare pen enrollment period begins Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7 with an effective coverage date of January 1st, 2016. If you miss this window, you’ll need to wait another year to get a better plan or at least know that you have the best plan you’re your health). Whether you (or a loved one) have been covered by Medicare, it is a great time to reevaluate features of your policy to see if you are getting the … Continue reading
Is a fiduciary relationship important?
I was thinking about the “right” lead-in to the video below and I found it in a book written by a well-known colleague who is a fellow Certified Financial Planner, Roy Diliberto. Here’s a few verbatim sentences from page 7 in his book, “Basic Truths for Financial Life Planners” about why clients should want their advisor to act as a “fiduciary” vs. the much lower but more prevalent “suitability” standard of care. Here it goes: From page 7: “How does this sound for an elevator speech? I want to help you with your financial goals, but … Continue reading