You are likely to agree that 401(k)s and IRA’s have many similarities. They are both retirement plans. Both plans can help you lower your tax bill today, provide tax-deferred growth and help provide a taxable income source in retirement. Although long-time followers of my financial philosophy will know that tax-deferred is just a nicer way to say “tax-postponed”! You NEVER save any taxes with either one – you only postpone both the calculation of taxes (Will tax rates be higher? … Continue reading
Seven Advantages of an IRA… Over a 401(k)
Term Life Insurance with Living Benefits
On my last BLOG I wrote about why many savvy people pay up to 20 times more for life insurance than a term policy costs. But if term insurance for the death benefit is right for you or someone you love, wouldn’t make sense to get term insurance… with a difference. Term insurance that you don’t have to DIE… to USE! CLICK BELOW to watch a one minute video that explains how some term policies offer Living Benefits – for just a few bucks more! all the best… … Continue reading
10 Minute Lesson on Life Insurance
Life insurance is such a misunderstood financial tool. I think the reason this is so is that the industry has done a pretty lousy job of educating consumers about it. Many people only think about how the death benefit will not benefit themselves (they’ll be at the pearly gates – lol) because they are unaware of its many other benefits. If you watch this 10 minute video, you will understand more about life insurance than 80% of insurance agents. I … Continue reading
Get Completely Out of Debt
This BLOG post is probably not relevant to 75% of my readers. They are already retired or have already gotten out of debt. But 100% of you have family or friends, and there are few other financial issues they would like to SOLVE more than getting 100% Debt-Free including a brand new mortgage — in about 9 years or less. And they can do so… without changing their current lifestyle one bit. Financial stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety, depression and divorce. Even many people who … Continue reading
How Bear Markets Work
As most of you know, the stock market for 2016 got off to the worst start of a new year – ever! But since the bottoming (so far?), a few weeks ago the market has come roaring back. Does this mean that the worst is over and that we’ve got a green light for the rest of the year? I’m not so sure and neither are the 3rd party private wealth managers that I use in managing the moderate and higher risk buckets. … Continue reading