Author Archives: Admin


You probably remember the magazine “Reader’s Digest”. I think it’s still around but I haven’t seen one in years. Well, I have a new website that is a financial “reader’s digest” of sorts (although it includes both articles and videos). My newest website is: Nearly every day, I scan the web for relevant articles and videos about retirement planning and Social Security. From the dozens that are published every day in the USA, I post 1-3 of them on my … Continue reading

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Are you going to get a pension at retirement? If so, should you take a “lump sum” pension payout or lifetime monthly income? (see article by clicking below). BUT… even if you are NOT going to get a pension from your job, you can create your own! One that is probably much better than any corporate pension available today (keep reading this email). Now if you are one of the lucky people who will get a pension from work — what will you choose?  Will you take a lump sum payout or … Continue reading

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There was a pretty good article in the Wall Street Journal recently about long-term care insurance — both traditional insurance (which I personally own) and the new life insurance and annuity based hybrid policies. CLICK here (or below) to see the article: As many of you know, I started my professional career in financial services as a long-term care specialist. It was fun to see quotes from folks I’ve known and worked with over the years. My new personal traditional LTC insurance sales have slowed … Continue reading

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I just bought and read (only 90 pages) a book that almost everyone should read. At least those who want to reduce their income taxes. I bought it on Amazon within minutes of one of my mentors telling me he had read it. Although he did find the same 3 minor fallacies that I did, none of those take anything away from the main thrust of the book. The book is called “The Power of Zero” by David McKnight, with the … Continue reading

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